Software for Data Techs on infrastructure projects.
DASH is the most widely used QA/QC tool designed for linear infrastructure data. Join the hundreds of users who check, clean and process their data fast.
The smartest toolset for Data Techs.
Use our ever-expanding set of tools to check, correct and report on all kinds of incoming data.
Intelligent Toolset
Run advanced automated checks that can find details like mismatched heat numbers or identifiers, not easily caught by the human eye.
Spatial Validations
Validate elevations, distances, buffers and gaps.
Simple Process
When projects are on, top-speed is critical. That’s why it’s easy for you to import data from csv, fxl or jxl files and check it fast.
The most important thing is that the data is good.
In a data driven world, quality data is what drives us.
Integrated with Orbital, Skyline and Lightning.
DASH uses the Blue Sky database, which makes your data compatible with workflows from groups throughout your company, and even your clients or contractors.
Pull from Orbital’s online project data.
DASH Online can connect directly to Orbital Projects to use the latest field data and centerline. No more sifting through email attachments, or navigating old folders on an FTP.
Synchronize with mapping departments.
With clean data you can supercharge your mapping team’s alignment sheet generation process. And data from DASH is completely compatible with Skyline and Lightning NexGen.