Process - Execution Excellence Part II

As the level of activity within the energy industry begins to rise, organization have a unique opportunity to improve the way they execute work. This represents an opportunity to rethink, retool and rebuild how work is performed. Automation is only one part of the equation. People, process and tools are the formula to delivering exceptional productivity and quality.

A good process without proper documentation and training is incomplete and potentially not repeatable. Proper documentation may seem unnecessary when operating with a small, experienced team. However, proper documentation is crucial to quality when the team grows and new staff with different experience levels are introduced.

While a formal process certification may not be needed for all companies, the templates available are beneficial to all. There are a number of certification bodies focused in the quality management of infrastructure Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC). Certification is performed by third party experts. Process formalization, documentation and training are key to producing high quality deliverables, repeatidly and reliably. The certification process is often misconstrued as rules or methods being imposed by the standard. In reality, the standard identifies areas of focus that must be addressed by the company’s quality management program but does not prescribe an approach or method. Companies are free to define and document their own approach.

In periods of expansion, quality suffers without proper documentation and training. Proper documentation involves the type of personnel required to produce and check deliverables, the tools standardized upon, the steps required to perform, methodology to measure progress and checking requirements. A company should strive to produce the same quality deliverables regardless of which individuals, teams or offices produced them.

As previously mentioned, people and tools are equally critical to delivering exceptional productivity and quality. The time to properly document and train processes is now, before the team grows. When a team grows, it's important to ensure that everyone has the knowledge and skills necessary for success. Documenting key processes ensures new staff members can learn from the seasoned experts in the company who possess key domain knowledge. By documenting their workflows future generations of employees will be able to continue producing quality work without slowing down or making mistakes because they don't know the next steps. If you need help documenting your business process, we're here for you! Contact us today if you want more information about our consulting services.

Mark Zuniga

Mark is a business leader and technology authority.

Tools - Execution Excellence Part III


People - Execution Excellence Part I